Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wild Thing

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself." -- D. H. Lawrence

     Introducing Ashellina Benson. A few months ago I was asked to participate in a project called The Travelling Dress, where certain photographers produced one image of the same dress, each with their different chosen models in it, to be put on display at the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce in April. No, this blog is not about that dress ;) but the fantastic shoot we had that day for it. 
     I had never met Ashellina before we just traveled in the same social circle, but I knew immediately she would be perfect for the overall vision I had for my particular image. We made a shoot out of it and went to two different locations, one up on a windy cliff, the other to a lone tree off of Eagle Rd. that I have passed EVERY day for 3 years and I was always coveting. It is just an interesting, old, sprawling tree with tentacle branches everywhere, all by itself. Chalk it up to another one of the weird, non-perfectly beautiful things I notice and gravitate toward. 
     We used the whimsical, billowing red dress up in the hills and changed into a vampy Jessica McKlintock black gown with beading on the bodice area at the 2nd location. Editing these was such a fun exploration because really the images allowed for SO many possibilities because it all came together; the light, the time of day, the wind, the angles, the model. So this collection has some old grainy sepia, some vivid black and whites, mysterious purple hues, striking reds, and Ashellina graces them all perfectly. 

All images © carrie hampton photography 

"Raven hair and ruby lips. Sparks fly from her fingertips. Echo voices in the night, she's a restless spirit on an endless flight..." ~~ Witchy Woman , The Eagles 

 à bientôt...

and thank you for stopping by 



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