Friday, March 20, 2015

Gypsy Wasteland

Gypsy Wasteland, the Kai'outi Magazine shoot
March 2015 Issue #12

Models: Emma Wilkins & Valerie Jenkins
MUAH: Lindsay Sheets of OneTen Beauty
Styling/Concept/Design: Carrie Hampton
All photos © Carrie Hampton

     The building of this shoot was about a month in the works, from formulating concept to nailing down models to accumulating wardrobe. Emma & Valerie met Lindsay and I at my house, which is the jump off point of all shoots 90% of the time. Lindsay's boho, whimsical make-up and hair was of course on point; rich golds and earthy tones we'd decided on ahead of time. 
     Instead of departing for a 30 minute drive to the original shoot scene, the models and I changed our location literally the second we loaded up the truck with the props and pulled out onto the street. Directly across the way from my house is some acreage with very old homes, one house particularly that has a junk yard and would be an American Picker's dream. I had admired my neighbor's rustic property about 99999 times, basically every time I drove by. I had even stopped by before to inquire about possibly using their property for a shoot but no one had been home. So since we saw someone checking the mail on the road we pulled over and I jumped out to plead my case to the elderly man, batting eyelashes and showing my friendly side, haha. I love when I get my way to accomplish what I need done! So cheers to you, sir!
     He was extremely cool, said he'd lived there for over 50 years, and no one had ever done a photo shoot there and wow he'd just love it. I warned him that we'd be moving props in and out of my husband's Ford F-250 (suitcases, a sofa, a mosaic table, glass decanters, not to mention multiple outfit changes that the girls ended up doing in the middle of the driveway).  He granted us full access and woooo thank God because that saved us so much shooting time. 
     The overall concept I wanted to convey for a cohesive editorial was two women travelling together, having a good time, despite a car break down, having to hitch-hike, yet not stressing it. Enjoying their time outdoors, basking in the sun, etc. I paid special attention to the little things, the items that would appear in the photos, keeping 'gypsy' and 'bohemian' in mind. A deck of cards, vintage suitcases, daisies, feathers, old books, a tattered flag, antique silver chalices and so on. 
Kaiouti Magazine featured a 10 page spread with some of these photos, here are the rest, because we had some serious creative, spontaneous fun that day.  


All photos © carrie hampton